This testimonial is straight from Dr. Keller's book.
Jean, Improved Cellular Function-Neurologic
I am a 52 year old woman with Parkinson’s. I was diagnosed in 2002, at the age of 47. My neurologist is Ali H. Rajput, OC, SOM, MBBS, FRCPC, of Royal University Hospital, Saskatoon, Canada. I was last seen by Dr. Rajput in December of 2006, when it was determined I could no longer work (I was a bakery manager at the time). This is a part of his letter to my family doctor. “Jean was examined 3 hours and 30 minutes after the last dose of Sinemet. There was a 2+ resting tremor in the left upper limb and 1+ resting tremor in all other limbs. There is 2+ postural tremor in the right upper limb and 1+ in the left upper limb. Her pronation/supernation is at 2+ on the left side and 1+ on the right side, and heel tapping is 3+ on the left and 1+ on the right. There is 1+ rigidity. Her posture is stable; she is therefore at Stage 2 disability.”
I first started taking the glutathione supplement in late May 2007. I started with three capsules in the morning and three in the afternoon. I felt nauseated, weak, developed a headache, and broke out in hives. So I then started taking only 1 capsule twice daily for three days. Then I went to 1 and 2 for 3 days. I still did not feel really well. Then I went to 2 and 2. By day 10, I started to feel really good. I actually slept for 4 hours straight, something that had not happened in the last 2 years. By day 12, I was feeling great! My medication did not “wear off” in one to one-and-a half hours like it usually did, but lasted 3 hours before wearing off! My pain level went from about an 8 to a 2. For the first time since about January of 2007, I did not have to use a cane to walk! What a wonderful feeling that was! There was no more Parkinson’s shuffle, and the cramping in my left arm and leg was minimal. And instead of sleeping half the afternoon away, I only need about a 15-minute nap. I started taking 3 and 3 capsules on about day 30. The hives have gone away and no more headaches. So, to sum up the first 3 months;
1) My energy level increased (from about a 2 to a 6)
2) I sleep for about three hours straight and for a total of about 6 hours per night, whereas before, I was lucky to get a total of 4 hours per night.
3) My medications last 3 to 3-and-a-half hours instead of 1 to 1-and-a-half hours, resulting in:
a) Less tremors
b) Less muscle cramping
c) Less muscle rigidity
d) Do not lose my voice very often
e) Do not have as much trouble swallowing
f) Pain in joints is minimal (as opposed to all day)
g) Do not need cane to walk
h) Less depression
i) My thinking is a lot clearer, not so foggy in the morning
j) Panic attacks are less
k) I fee more confident in such things as my driving, going put alone, etc.
l) Overall, more “on” time than “off” time
In September, I felt the glutathione supplement was not working as well, so I started taking 3 in the morning, 3 just after lunch, and 3 at around 4 or 5 p.m. This seems to be working well.
Keller, RH, GLUTATHIONE Your Best Defense Against Aging, Cellular Damage and Disease, 2008
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