Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Marriage Proposal

Okay I think most of you are aware of my father’s seemingly miraculous turnaround since being at deaths door the end of October but you have to hear the latest.......

Let me preface this with reminding you that according to dad's doctors he is in the last stages of dementia and had been written off as "failure to thrive". So keep in mind this conversation I am about to tell you about shouldn't have occurred, especially with any rhyme or reason to it.

Here we go:

Last week my dad called me into his room and said, "I want to get married!"

I said, "Um okay, to whom"?

He said, "To um, um, that girl!" (Okay I didn't say he didn't still have senior moments!)

Since I had been out of town and one sitter in particular had been there all weekend I said, "Judy?"

He said, "Yes, would that be okay with you?"

I said, "Well, I think you should discuss this with her."

To which he replied, "Why don't you talk to her about it?"

Well I mentioned to Judy what dad said. We all didn't want to hurt his feelings so you can imagine we tried to avoid answering him and hoped he would forget. I mean is that too much to ask of someone with dementia/Alzheimer????...lol

Anyway he caught me in the hall several days later and said, "Have you talked to her about it yet?" I hem hawed or something like that around and basically said she will talk to him.

Judy hadn't been back until about 4 or 5 days later. Actually yesterday she was doing some other work for me at the house. Kathy, one of the other sitters said dad kept asking if she would take him outside. She used the excuse that it was too windy. That didn't stop him from wanting to talk to Judy so Kathy went outside to tell Judy dad wanted to talk to her.

I wasn't in the room but it was reported to me that when Judy came into the room she asked dad if he was causing trouble in a very sweet way. Dad said that he wasn't causing trouble and she said she thought he was.

He then said, "Will you marry me!"

Of course Judy had planned for this and said she had a boyfriend and what would he think about it... He said, "No you told me you didn't have a boyfriend".

She said, "No I didn't and here is a picture of him." (She had someone send a picture of himself on her phone to which she opened the phone and showed him.)

He didn't say anything after that.

The part I want you to notice here is that he had a normal conversation that a normal person would have. It wasn't a delusional one from medications because he doesn't take any that would cause that. It was a conversation from a man who is mentally there and was thinking of how nice it would be to be married. (Notice since I am his daughter I kept what I believe he was thinking clean. If he was thinking anymore than that I don't want to know...lol)

I so wish my dad was physically capable of all that he would like to do. I know he was bummed about the reply he got from his proposal but I am happy that he is thinking better and of more positive things.

May God bless you as he continues to bless us always.

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